





Fire protection facilities must be set up and possessed by modern buildings, and the materials and equipments involved in fire fighting engineering are more.
· 镀锌水管
Galvanized pipe
Galvanized zinc plating on the surface of iron water pipes enhances corrosion resistance.
Galvanized pipe
· 消防栓
Fire hydrant
The fire fighting water supply pipeline installed in the building consists of a box, an indoor hydrant, a fire fighting interface, a hose, a water gun, a fire hose, a reel and electrical equipment, etc. it has the function of water supply, fire fighting, control, alarm and other functions.
Fire hydrant and box
· 消防泵
Fire pump
A special pump for liquid fire-extinguishing agents such as water or foam solutions.
Vertical fire pump and horizontal fire pump
· 室外消火栓
Outdoor fire hydrant
The water supply facilities on the fire water supply network outside the building are mainly for the fire truck to fire water from the municipal water supply network or outdoor fire water supply network, and also to directly connect the hose and water gun to extinguish the fire. It is one of the important fire fighting facilities for fighting fire.
· 隔膜式气压罐
Diaphragm pressure tank
The steel casing, a rubber diaphragm tank storage device, rubber diaphragm to the water chamber and gas chamber completely separated, when the external pressure of the water filled diaphragm pneumatic tank liner, sealed in the tank of compressed air, according to Boyle's law of gas, the gas being compressed volume change, pressure storage energy, expansion of compressed gas can be rubber diaphragm in the water pressure tank.
· 消防喷淋头
Fire sprinkler head
For the fire sprinkler system, when a fire occurs, the water splash plate through the spray head spilled out the fire, is currently divided into droop sprinkler, upright sprinkler, sprinkler, ordinary sidewall sprinkler etc..
Shower head
· 水流指示器和湿式报警阀
Water flow indicator and wet alarm valve
These two kinds are each use, cannot take one of them.
1. 水流指示器是装设在一个受保护区域喷淋管道上,他是监视水流动作的,如果发生火灾,喷淋头受高温而爆裂这时管道水会流向爆裂的喷淋头,流动的水力就会推动水流指示器动作(也是一个橡胶叶片置入在管道中)水流指示器是起监视作用,不联动其他设备。
1. water flow indicator is arranged on a protected area of sprinkler pipe, he is to monitor the flow of action, if there is a fire, the spray head by high temperature and then burst pipeline water will spray head to burst, water will flow the water flow indicator action (also a rubber blade inserted in the pipe flow indicator) monitor effect, no linkage with other equipment.
2. 湿式报警阀与水流指示有些不同,如果喷淋管道中如果水在流动,管道原有的静压会发生变化,会激发水力警铃报警(它的原理可以参看一些阀门说明书),且压力开关动作,从而来启动喷淋水泵。
2. wet alarm valve and flow directions are different, if the spray pipe if the water flow in the pipeline, the pressure will change, will stimulate the hydraulic alarm (it can refer to the principle of some valves, pressure switch and manual), so as to start the spray pump.
· 水泵接合器
- pump adapter
By building the fire water supply equipment to the building, provide fire sprinkler system water pump adapter and building fire sprinkler system is connected through the check valve, check valve is the role of water only from the outside to the inside and outside of the building water supply, fire water pump for vehicle is connected, when the building fire, the fire in the building. The sprinkler system cannot provide fire extinguishing water, building fire water pump for vehicle by the fire pump adapter to the building, provide water for fire extinguishing sprinkler system.
Pump adapter
· 信号蝶阀
Signal butterfly valve
Generally installed in two parts: floor horizontal dry pipe flow indicator front end; trunk pipe wet alarm valve front end.
楼层水平干管安装信号蝶阀的作用,一是当楼层喷啉系统需要维修时,关闭此阀,打开末端放水,放空本楼层喷淋系统内的水,进行维修;二是喷淋系统内是不允许无水的,当这个蝶关闭时,会传输一个信号给消防报警系统,消防报警系统接收一个监视信号(所以叫信号蝶阀),提示这个楼层的消防喷淋系统是无水状态,应快速维修 。
Floor level pipe installation is a function of the signal valve, when the floor spraying system needs repair, close the valve, open the end of the floor drain, emptying the water in the spray system, maintenance; two is the sprinkler system is not allowed inside water, when the butterfly is closed, will transmit a signal to the the fire alarm system, fire alarm system receives a monitoring signal (so called signal butterfly valve), fire sprinkler system that the floor is anhydrous state, fast repair.
The function of the signal butterfly valve of the front end of the wet alarm valve is similar to that of the main pipe butterfly valve of the floor, the first is maintenance, and the two is that the butterfly valve in the spray system is closed and should be repaired as soon as possible.
The signal butterfly valve
· 未端试水装置
No end water test device
Device installed at the end of the pipe network or district network and the functions of starting, alarming and linkage of the inspection system.
Spray pump
· 火灾探测器
Fire detector
In the automatic fire alarm system, the fire is detected on the spot and the fire equipment is found. The fire detector is the sensory organ of the system, and its function is to monitor the occurrence of fire in the environment. Once there is a fire, the physical characteristics of the fire, such as temperature, smoke, gas and radiation intensity into the electrical signal, and immediately act to fire alarm controller to send alarm signals.
· 消防控制模块
Fire control module
Also known as the input and output module, is an important part of fire linkage control system, used in the fire automatic alarm system to connect the exhaust valve, air supply valve, fire valve and other external equipment. The module has a pair of normally open, normally closed contacts, through the contact module on the top to connect the external circuit to realize the linkage control of external equipment.
· 手动报警按钮
Manual alarm button
火灾报警系统中的一个设备类型,当人员发现火灾时,在火灾探测器没 有探测到火灾的时候,人员手动按下手动报警按钮,报告火灾信号。正常情况下当手动报警按钮报警时,火灾发生的几率比火灾探测器要大的多,几乎没有误报的可能。因为手动报警按钮的报警出发条件是必须人工按下按钮启动。按下手动报警按钮的的时候过3-5秒钟手动报警按钮上的火警确认灯会点亮,这个状态灯表示火 灾报警控制器已经收到火警信号,并且确认了现场位置。
A type of equipment in the fire alarm system, when the person discovers the fire, when the fire detector does not detect the fire, the staff manually presses the manual alarm button, reports the fire signal. Under normal circumstances, when the manual alarm button alarm, the probability of fire is much larger than the fire detector, there is almost no false alarm. Because the manual alarm button alarm, the starting condition is to manually press the button to start. When the manual alarm button is pressed, the fire alarm confirmation light on the manual alarm button is lit after 3-5 seconds. The status lamp indicates that the fire alarm controller has received the fire alarm signal and confirmed the site position.


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版权 © 上海通风管道匠心加工厂 网址:xiaofang.71ix.com  推荐:上海通风管道,上海螺旋风管,上海不锈钢风管
