





Standard operating rules for the management of fire equipment
1. Purpose
Standardize the management of fire-fighting equipment, ensure the performance of fire-fighting equipment is intact, complete and easy to use.
Two. Scope of application
It is applicable to the management of all kinds of fire fighting equipment within the jurisdiction of the Property Management Company.
Three. Responsibilities
1. The Minister of safety and fire department is responsible for the supervision and inspection of fire equipment management.
2. The fire officer is responsible for the management of fire-fighting equipment.
Four. The main points of the program
1. Register in the library
(1) fire equipment recovered from purchase should be inspected first. The performance, specifications, quantity, date of use and scope of use of the inspection equipment are in conformity with the relevant standards of the Fire Department of the Ministry of public security to verify that the number and use of the equipment are consistent with the data on the purchase order, and all those who are not in conformity with the standard are returned to the purchase.
(2) registration of fire-fighting equipment conforming to the standard.
2, use and return
(1) the temporary fire-fighting equipment must be registered and confirmed by the fire officer before it can be returned in time.
(2) the usual training equipment is taken out by the fire officer. After the training, the warehouse is returned to the warehouse.
(3) the fire-fighting equipment allocated to the fire control center must be signed and confirmed by the duty inspector, and the shift registration shall be carried out.
(4) the fire-fighting equipment in all departments, public places, electric rooms and security posts will be signed by the head of the fire control center and the person in charge of the location, and the person in charge of the configuration place supervises the custody of the staff of the Department, and the fire control center will check it regularly.
(5) when the Ministry of engineering, the Department of environmental protection or other departments or other departments need to borrow fire equipment, the minister and the manager must agree with the minister and the manager to lend the worn equipment to the other side, and the equipment should be cleaned and dry when returned. The firefighters fill in the registration form for the use of the fire equipment.
3, use and maintenance
(1) combat suits, helmets and combat boots:
(1) combat clothing, combat boots and helmets can only be used for training and fire fighting.
Combat clothing should be cleaned and dried and folded on shelves.
(3) the helmet should not be dragged or cushions, and when the cap is damaged, it should be exchanged for purchase.
Combat boots can not be used as boots;
5. Combat clothing, combat boots, helmets and seat belts should be placed in accordance with the essentials of the equipment for training, so that they can be used quickly when the police are dispatched.
(2) water belt, water gun:
(1) the water hose (including interfaces) and water guns should be reasonably allocated to the fire hydrants (boxes) on the floor of the area under control.
2. Water and water guns are only used for water supply and normal training.
3. After the water is used, it should be kept clean and neat. After washing and drying, it will be put on the rack or fire box.
4. When the water interface is connected to each other, it should be flexible and tight enough to ensure its tightness and reliable connection.
(5) when training water hose (water pistol) is used normally, the roll up hose should be handled with care, so as to prevent the water hose interface and the water gun from shaking and damaging.
Attention should be paid to dampproof, shockproof, anticorrosive, mildew resistant, rotten, damaged and rusty. Water and water guns should be placed in a ventilated and dry place.
(3) fire axe and fire waist Axe:
(1) fire axe and fire-fighting axe are used for fire break.
2. Fire axe should be maintained to prevent rust and humidity from being stored on shelves.
3. When the fire axe is deformed or cracked or the rubber handle sleeve is damaged, it should be stopped.
(4) fire fighting telephone and interphone:
(1) fire telephone can only be used as a fire alarm and can not be used for private purposes. The phone should be wiped regularly to prevent dust. Prevent fouling and prevent line breakage. Office phone calls should normally be controlled for no more than 5 minutes.
(2) the interphone shall be executed according to the relevant points of the management standard operating procedures for the security and police equipment.
3. The uniform is kept and distributed by the head of the fire management center.
(5) outdoor fire hydrant
(1) the outdoor fire hydrant is a pipe network connecting the municipal water supply.
Remove the sundries around the end of the valve plug, and put the special wrench on the rod head to check whether it is suitable, turn the opening and closing rod, and add lubricating oil.
3. Wipe the rust stains on the thread of the nozzle with the oil spun head and check whether the inner rubber gasket is in good condition.
(4) open the fire hydrant, check the water supply condition, then shut down after the rust water is released, and observe whether there is any leakage.
Skin paint flaking in time to repair;
Eliminate obstacles near fire hydrants and do not stack anything within 3 meters.
(6) fire extinguisher ("ABC" dry powder firearm):
①高层和超高层楼均配备有手提式 “ABC”干粉灭火器,电房、机房内均配备有推车式 “ABC”干粉灭火器;
(1) high rise and super high-rise buildings are equipped with portable "ABC" dry powder extinguishers, and the electric room and engine room are equipped with a trolley type "ABC" dry powder extinguisher.
2. Fire extinguishers should be placed in a ventilated, dry and clean place without exposure to heat or intense heat. The suitable temperature of the environment is 10 - 55.
③压力表指针是否在绿色区域 (如在红色区域要检查原因,发现重量减轻10%,检查后要及时灌装);
3. If the pressure indicator is in the green area (for example, in the red area to check the cause, it is found that the weight is reduced by 10%.
(4) if the lead seals are intact, once opened, they must be re filled according to regulations, sealed test and re seal.
Whether or not the nozzle and the jet pipe are blocked, the corrosion is damaged, whether the steel connection type nozzle is revolving around its axis, and can stay at any time, the driving structure of the cart type fire extinguisher is flexible, and there is no inspection sign.
(6) whether the spray cylinder is smooth (if blocked) should be dredged in time.
4. Storage of equipment
(1) the head of the fire management center should ensure the unified custody of the fire equipment and set up a fire fighting equipment ledger under the leadership of its supervisor.
(2) the requirements for safekeeping:
(1) fire-fighting equipment must be stored on the shelf in a neat way, and the nameplate is out of the way and clearly identified.
It must be kept clean, tidy, and no product


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