





1. 消防设施的配置不规范,随意性大
1., the configuration of fire fighting facilities is not standard and random
Some power production enterprises in the calculation of fire extinguishers configuration, subjective randomness, and do not comply with the power industry standards and national technical specifications. Or lower the standard, the huge production site only a few out; or that The more, the better., super standard, even if the production site is equipped with the fire hydrant and sprinkler fire extinguishing system, not according to the "standard" provisions of the correction parameter reduction, causes unit funds unnecessary spending, increasing the burden on enterprises.
The extinguisher is poorly configured or out of specification. Such as cable interlayer, relay room, DCS room, battery room, around the main tank, the turbine fuel transport control room crane are not fire extinguisher; pump room should be configured sandbox and foam extinguisher, but are not equipped with. Fire fighting equipment depot area fire dike in shortage. Some people think that the foam fire extinguishing system has been installed, and the equipment will not need to be configured. This is not correct. Various facilities, different functions, each have some use, can not be replaced. Outdoor fire fighting water pipe and fire hydrant device in substation outdoor high voltage equipment place.
The main control room, power plant room, security section room, etc., the room does not have the right amount of fire equipment. Boiler, coal, oil station, although not much oil, but the environment is bad, there is no fire fighting equipment nearby, fire equipment inadequate.
为此建议:按照1997年修订的国家《建筑灭火器配置设计规范》 (GBJl40—1990)和部颁《电力设备典型消防规程》(DL5027—1993)规定,对消防器材按国家技术规范、标准配置,对灭火器配置的设计计算,原则上应先确定配置场所的危险等级、火灾种类以及要保护面积所需的总灭火级别,然后根据各设置点的具体要求、所应选的灭火器种类、灭火器规格,确定配置数量,并根据配置场所的固定消防设施情况进行修正。
This proposal: according to the 1997 revised "state building fire extinguisher design specification" (GBJl40 - 1990) and the Ministry of electric power equipments "typical fire regulations" (DL5027 - 1993) provisions for fire equipment configuration according to technical specifications and standards, the fire extinguisher configuration design calculation, in principle, should first determine the risk level and the location of the fire and fire protection to the total species level area required, and then according to the set point of the specific requirements, which should be the fire extinguishers types, specifications of fire extinguisher, determine the number of configurations and revise according to the location of the fixed fire fighting facilities.
Fire facilities refers to the fire hydrant, fire extinguisher, fire alarm and fire-fighting facilities, fire evacuation signs and other specialized for fire prevention, fire alarm, fire extinguishing and fire evacuation for facilities and equipment.
Fire extinguisher fire extinguisher is a good performance, mainly used for fighting a variety of non water soluble and water-soluble flammable, flammable liquid fires, and natural gas and petroleum gas and other flammable gas fires and fire equipment in general charged. Dry powder extinguishing agent is usually stored in a dry powder extinguisher, and when extinguishing, the dry powder is ejected from the nozzle by a CO2 pressurized gas to form a mist like powder stream and shoot into the combustion zone. When dry powder extinguishing agents contact with fire, a series of physical and chemical reactions are produced and the fire is extinguished.
Carbon dioxide extinguisher due to C02 fire extinguishing agent is leaving no trace, insulation and other characteristics, must therefore, at the beginning of the fire extinguished for charged appliances, less than 600V of expensive equipment, instruments, books and other places, and the general class B fire. CO2 is a suffocating gas that is harmful to the human body and should be used safely. At the time of the fire, to prevent the resurgence embers of continuous injection. Outside, do not use upwind.
Foam extinguishing agent is a small, surface surrounded by liquid bubbles, its density is 0.001 ~ 0.5. Because of its density is much smaller than the general flammable flammable liquid, so it can float on the surface of the liquid, forming a protective layer. The fire is separated from the air to achieve the purpose of smothering fire. The utility model is mainly used for extinguishing general flammable and combustible fire; meanwhile, the foam has certain stickiness and can adhere to the solid; therefore, the utility model also has certain effect on extinguishing solid fire. MP type portable chemical foam extinguisher is suitable for general B fire extinguishing, also applies to extinguish a fire, but can not put out B fire water soluble combustible, flammable liquid fire cannot be extinguished; charged equipment and class C and class D fire.
1211 fire extinguisher is the name of two fluorine, one chlorine, one bromine methane. It is the most widely used and most widely used Halon extinguishing agent in our country. It is usually filled with liquid in the cylinder. When in use, the nitrogen pressure in the cylinder fires out the 1211 extinguishing agent. 1211 fire extinguisher is a low boiling point of liquefied gas, with high fire efficiency, low toxicity, low corrosion, long storage, no deterioration, no traces after fire, no pollution protection, good insulation and so on.
1211 fire extinguisher is mainly applicable to extinguish flammable and combustible liquid, gas and electric equipment at the beginning of the fire (i.e. B, C and D); can also be of solid material such as wood, bamboo, fabric, paper and other surface (i.e. a fire fight); can also be used to extinguish "instrument instrument material warehouse, electrical instrument at the beginning of the fire; fires can extinguish oil tank etc.. Keep upright position when fire fighting, and can not be used horizontally or reversely. The nozzle should be the root of the fire, from far and near, fast forward; to prevent backfire again, sporadic small fire can be used fire extinguishing. In case the combustible liquid burns in the container, the jet of the 1211 extinguishing agent can be ejected from the upper and the lower toward the inner wall of the container, and the jet must be directly prevented from impacting the liquid surface so as to prevent the splashing of the liquid from burning and enlarge the fire. If the surface of a solid substance is extinguished, the nozzle shall be directed at the most violent part of the fire. In addition, when 1211 fire extinguishers are used in narrow confined spaces to extinguish fire, the fire should be evacuated immediately after the fire is extinguished, so as to prevent poisoning.


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