





1.0 火灾报警联动控制系统的维护保养。 
1 maintenance of fire alarm linkage control system. It
1.1 测试主机主要工作电压,检查备用电源蓄电池是否正常。 
1.1 test the main working voltage of the main engine and check whether the reserve battery is normal. It
1.2 进行备用电源的自检试验。 
1.2 the self inspection test of standby power supply is carried out. It
1.3 检查楼层井道内的分线箱箱门及箱体外观情况,检查箱内外线路有无缺损和故障隐患;。
1.3 check the appearance of the box box door and the box inside the floor well, check whether there is any defect or hidden trouble inside and outside the box.
1.4 检查楼层显示是否正常。 
1.4 check the floor to show whether it is normal. It
1.5 对消防中心控制柜进行清扫除尘,检查接线端子电线是否松脱,导线编号是否完整清晰。 
1.5 cleaning and dusting the control cabinet of the fire control center, check whether the wiring of the wiring terminal is loose or not, and whether the conductor number is complete and clear. It
1.6 每次按5%抽检,对抽检发现的受环境影响而脏污的烟感器、温感器及时清洁。 
1.6 every time 5% samples are collected, the smoke detectors and temperature sensors which are found to be contaminated by the environment are cleaned in time. It
1.7 紧固导向线路接头。 
1.7 fastening guide line joint. It
1.8 对每个楼层弱电间的分线箱元器件进行除尘、紧固。 
1.8 dedusting and fastening the components of the junction boxes of each floor. It
1.9 按政府消防要求,定期请检测机构对消防设施设备进行全面检测。
1.9 according to the government's fire protection requirements, the inspection agencies should be regularly requested to conduct a comprehensive inspection of fire facilities and equipment.
2.0 自动喷水灭火系统的预防性检查维护 
2 preventive inspection and maintenance of sprinkler system
2.1 检查一次警铃是否正常,报警启动是否灵活。打开试警铃阀,报警阀阀瓣应自动开启;延迟器延迟5-90s后,水力警铃应发出报警信号;如果警铃不动作,应检查整个警铃管道,清除水垢、泥沙等污物,使水流畅通,防止报警失灵。 
2.1 check whether the alarm is normal and whether the alarm is flexible. Open the test alarm valve, the alarm valve valve should be opened automatically; after delayed 5-90s, the hydraulic alarm bell should send out the alarm signal; if the alarm bell does not move, the whole alarm pipe should be checked to remove dirt and dirt, so that the flow of water is smooth and the alarm can be prevented. It
2.2 对喷头进行外观检查,发现安装不正常的喷头应及时更换。 
2.2 the appearance of the sprinkler is checked. It is found that the abnormal sprinkler should be replaced in time. It
2.3 检查系统控制阀门是否处于开启状态,若有破坏或损坏应及时修理更换,确保保证控制阀门不被误关闭。 
2.3 check the system to control whether the valve is in the open state. If there is any damage or damage, it should be repaired and replaced in time to ensure that the control valve is not mistakenly closed. It
2.4 对系统进行综合试验时,按分区逐一打开末端试验装置放水阀,试验系统灵敏性。观察阀门开启性能和密封性能。 
2.4 when the system is comprehensively tested, the terminal test device drain valve is opened one by one, and the sensitivity of the test system is tested. The valve opening performance and sealing performance are observed. It
2.5 综合试验时,发现阀门开启不畅通或密封不严,应将供水闸阀关闭,打开放水阀将系统中水放掉,然后打开阀门盖检查,视情况调换阀瓣密封件,排除水垢及污物等。 
2.5 in the comprehensive test, it is found that the valve opening is not smooth or the seal is not tight. The water supply gate valve should be closed, the release valve is opened and the water is released in the system. Then the valve cover is opened and the valve seal is changed, and the scale and dirt are removed. It
2.6 检查流动水压,压力表所显示的压力值不应明显下降;若明显下降,应检查闸阀是否堵塞;若压力下降明显且警铃不报警,应检查湿式报警阀的阀瓣是否锈蚀。
2.6 check the flowing water pressure, the pressure value of the pressure gauge should not decrease obviously; if it drops obviously, check whether the gate valve is blocked; if the pressure drops obviously and the alarm bell does not alarm, check the corrosion of the valve disc of the damp alarm valve.
2.7 观察系统中水流指示器、压力开关、报警控制器各部件的联动性能,应能及时报警。
2.7 observe the linkage performance of the flow indicator, pressure switch and alarm controller in each system.
2.8 当系统因试验或因灭灾启动后,应在事后尽快使系统重新恢复到正常工作状态。
2.8 when the system is started due to trial or disaster, the system should be restored to normal condition as soon as possible.
3.0 烟、温感系统的预防性检查维护。 
3 preventive inspection and maintenance of smoke and warm sense system. It
3.1 月度抽取总烟感数的5%,用香烟等烟源测试烟感报警,试验烟感的灵敏度,应该全部合格,若其中有一个不合格,则应另外抽取总数的10%试验,直至全部合格为止。 
3.1 months of total smoke extraction of 5% of the total, use cigarette and other smoke sources to test the smoke alarm, the sensitivity of the smoke test, should be all qualified, if one of the unqualified, then the total number of 10% tests should be taken, until all the qualified. It
3.2 检查楼层显示应正常,检查烟感报警功能是否正常。 
3.2 check floor display should be normal, check whether smoke alarm function is normal. It
3.3 对因楼层漏水而危及烟感及其电路的地方,应及时进行特别检查。 
3.3 for places where water leakage and danger are caused by floor leakage, special inspections should be carried out in time. It
3.4 温感的保养方法参照烟感进行,试验报警灵敏度时应加温使其报警。
3.4 the temperature sensitive maintenance method is based on smoke feeling. When the alarm sensitivity is tested, it should be heated to alarm.
4.0 防火卷帘门的预防性检查维护 。
4 preventive inspection and maintenance of the fire curtain door.
4.1 手控检查,检查门轨、门扇外观有无变形、卡阻现象,手动按钮箱是否上锁,卷帘门的电控箱指示信号是否正常,箱体是否完好;打开按钮箱门,按动向上(或向下)按钮,卷帘门应上升(或下降),在按钮操作上升(或下降)过程中,操作人员应密切注意卷帘门上升(或下降)到端部位置时能否自动停车,若不能,应迅速手动停车,且必须待限位装置修复(或调整)正常后方可重新操作。 
4.1 hand control check, check the door rail, door fan appearance is not deformation, clamping phenomenon, manual button box is locked, the electric control box indication signal is normal, the box is good, open the button box door, press up (or down) button, the curtain door should rise (or drop), the button operation up (or below) In the process of falling, the operator should pay close attention to the automatic parking when the curtain door is rising (or descending) to the end position. If not, the operator should stop by hand quickly, and it must be repaired (or adjusted) to be reoperated before the limit device is repaired (or adjusted). It
4.2 自检检查,用燃着的香烟等烟源使系统中任一烟感动作时,自动装置将发出报警信号,同时自动启动卷帘门电控系统两次下滑关闭卷帘门。 
4.2 self inspection, when the smoke source of the burning cigarette makes any smoke movement in the system, the automatic device will send out the alarm signal and automatically start the two slide shutter shutter door of the shutter door. It
4.3 卷帘门关闭后,只有待烟感(或温感)信号消除,或复位按钮复位后方可重新开启卷帘门。 
4.3 after the shutter door is closed, only the smoke feeling (or temperature sensing) signal is eliminated, or the reset button can be reset before reopening the rolling shutter door. It
4.4 消防中心按钮操作检查,消防中心只设置卷帘门关闭按钮,操作关闭按钮卷帘门通过二次下滑关闭到位后,检查消防中心信号指示是否正常。 
4.4 fire center button operation check, the fire center only set up the shutter shutter button, the operation closed button shutter door after the two slide closed in place, check the fire center signal indication is normal. It
4.5 对卷帘门进行清扫除尘,若有油漆脱落及局部变形的地方,要进行修复,确保卷帘门外观清洁美观。 
4.5 cleaning and dedusting the rolling shutter doors, if there is any place where the paint is off and partially deformed, it should be repaired to ensure that the appearance of the rolling door is clean and beautiful. It
4.6 检查卷帘门提示标识是否完整。 
4.6 check whether the shutter door is complete. It
4.7 对卷帘门控制箱自检按钮、故障报警消声键、复位键进行专门检查。 
4.7 check the self checking button, the failure alarm, the noise elimination key and the reset key of the rolling door control box. It
4.8 紧固各电线接头,清洁控制箱内的灰尘,检查箱内电气元件是否齐备。
4.8 tighten all electrical connectors, clean the dust in the control box, check the electrical components in the box.
5.0 消火栓的预防性检查维护 。
5 preventive maintenance of fire hydrant.
5.1 检查栓门把手是否完好,栓门开关有无卡阻,锁、玻璃有无损坏。 
5.1 check whether the door handle is intact, whether the bolt switch is stuck or not, whether the lock or glass is damaged. It
5.2 指示灯、报警按钮、水带、水枪、击锤等是否齐全,有无脱落,栓门是否完好。 
5.2 indicator lights, alarm buttons, water bands, water guns, hammer and so on are complete, whether there is a fall off, whether the bolt door is intact. It
5.3 随机抽取消火栓总数的5%,按消火栓报警按钮,消防中心应有正确的报警显示。 
5.3 randomly selected 5% of the total number of hydrants, according to hydrant alarm button, fire center should have the correct alarm display. It
5.4 开栓门取出水带,仔细检查有无破损、发黑、发霉现象,如有,应立即进行修补、清洗或更换;将水带交换展开,交换褶边后重新卷起;检查水枪头与水带、水带与水龙头之间的联接是否方便可靠。 
5.4 take out the water belt with the open bolt door, carefully check if there is any breakage, blackening and mildew. If any, it should be repaired, cleaned or replaced immediately; the water belt is exchanged and exchanged, then the fold is exchanged, and the connection between the head of the water gun and the water belt, the water belt and the faucet is convenient and reliable. It
5.5 将栓内阀门开闭一次、检查是否灵活,并清除阀口附近锈渣,阀杆上油防锈。
5.5 open and close the valve in the bolt once, check whether it is flexible, and remove the rust residue near the valve opening.
5.6 将栓内清扫干净,部件存放整齐后,关上栓
5.6 clean up the bolts, keep the parts in order, and close the bolts.


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版权 © 上海通风管道匠心加工厂 网址:xiaofang.71ix.com  推荐:上海通风管道,上海螺旋风管,上海不锈钢风管
