





In civil building electrical design, use the battery for energy emergency power supply (EPS) device used as emergency lighting power supply system, fire pump, smoke prevention and smoke extraction fan, fire elevator, fire control equipment of emergency power supply usually adopt the power supply department to provide the first 2 power supply or self-provided emergency power supply, such as diesel generator set, etc. 


随着电源技术的发展,出现了以蓄电池为能源、通过逆变器提供应急交流电源的大功率消防设备应急电源(FEPS),其额定输出功率最高可达到400 kVA,可为消防水泵、防烟及排烟风机、消防电梯等消防设备供电。
Appeared with the development of the power supply technology, to provide emergency battery for energy, through the inverter ac power of high-power fire equipment emergency power supply (FEPS), the highest rated power output can achieve 400 kVA, for fire pump, smoke prevention and smoke extraction fan, fire elevator fire equipment such as power supply. 


At present, there is no regulation of FEPS in the normative standards of major countries and organizations. 


例如:美国消防协会(NFPA)在规范NFPA 70中规定了可用于消防设备的应急电源主要有蓄电池、发电机、不间断电源装置(UPS)和燃料电池系统等,而在标准NFPA 110中仅明确了以发电机为电源的应急和备用电源系统(Emergency and Standby Power Systems)的性能要求。
For example, the American association of fire protection agency (NFPA) stipulated in the standard NFPA 70 can be used for fire fighting equipment of Emergency Power battery, generator, main device uninterruptible Power supply (UPS) and fuel cell system, and in the standard NFPA 110 only made clear to the generator for Power supply of Emergency and Standby Power supply system (Emergency and Standby Power Systems) performance requirements. 


英国标准BS 9999规定了可用于消防设备的备用电源(Secondary Power Supply)主要有发电机、另一变电站提供的独立电源,并规定了这两类备用电源需满足的要求。
British standard BS 9999 rules can be used for fire fighting equipment of standby Power (Secondary Power Supply) main generator, a transformer substation to provide independent Power Supply, and specifies the two kinds of standby Power to meet the requirements. 


国际电工委员会(IEC)在标准IEC 60364 - 5 - 56:2009《Low-voltage electrical installations — Part 5 - 56:Selection and erection of electrical equipment — Safety services》中规定了为安全设施服务的供电系统选择安装的通用要求。该标准中提及的安全设施包括消防设备,而可为其供电的电源主要包括蓄电池、一次性电池、发电机和电网提供的独立电源等,其中,蓄电池主要为应急照明系统供电。
International electrotechnical commission (IEC) in the standard IEC 60364-5-56:20 09 "Low voltage electrical installations - Part 5-56: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Safety services" for Safety facilities services provided in the general requirements of power supply system choose to install. Mentioned in the standard of safety facilities, including fire control equipment, and for the power supply of the power supply mainly includes battery, disposable batteries, generators and power grid provided by independent power supply, etc., among them, the main battery for emergency lighting power supply system. 


The domestic FEPS application is also in its initial stage, which is mainly used for the situation where the power supply of the power grid is not available and the diesel generator is not set up. Because FEPS related specification is not perfect, the standard can be used only in the clear FEPS for power supply, fire fighting equipment and specifies FEPS product performance requirements, and for the selection and design of FEPS and without too much, cause when FEPS lacks basis in engineering design. 


FEPS classification 


At present, there are many ways to classify FEPS. 


If the output voltage is classified according to the phase number, it can be divided into single-phase FEPS and three-phase FEPS; 


According to the output power classification, it can be divided into small power FEPS, medium power FEPS and high power FEPS. 


According to load classification, can be divided into lighting FEPS, dynamic FEPS and mixed FEPS; 


According to the non-power supply mode classification, can be divided into the backup FEPS and the dual-conversion FEPS. 


At design time, the suitable FEPS products can be selected according to the demand, especially the difference between the back-up FEPS and the dual-conversion FEPS. 


The backup FEPS circuit structure is shown in figure 1. In normal operation mode, the main power supply is directly supplied to the fire-fighting equipment through the switching switch; At the same time, the main power source is charged by the charger, which is usually done in the case of fire equipment debugging, maintenance or fire without losing the main power supply. 



When the main power supply is interrupted, the inverter is required to be switched on to the emergency operation state according to the switching time, and the switching switch is converted to the power supply of the fire-fighting equipment by the inverter. 


The circuit structure of the dual-conversion FEPS is shown in figure 2. Under normal operating condition, the main power source is converted into direct current by the charger to recharge the battery. At the same time, the direct current has been transformed by inverter to supply power to the fire-fighting equipment. When the main power supply is interrupted, it is transferred to the emergency operation state, and the battery is powered by the inverter as the fire equipment. 



In addition, the double conversion type FEPS there is also a kind of economic operation mode (ECO) : under normal operation condition, according to the backup type FEPS operation, the main power supply directly through the bypass static switch power supply for fire fighting equipment, inverter no-load hot backup; When the main power supply is interrupted, it is transferred to the emergency operation state, and the battery is powered by the inverter as the fire equipment.


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