





1.0 火灾报警联动控制系统的维护保养。 
1 maintenance of fire alarm linkage control system. It
1.1 测试主机主要工作电压,检查备用电源蓄电池是否正常。 
1.1 test the main working voltage of the main engine and check whether the reserve battery is normal. It
1.2 进行备用电源的自检试验。 
1.2 the self inspection test of standby power supply is carried out. It
1.3 检查楼层井道内的分线箱箱门及箱体外观情况,检查箱内外线路有无缺损和故障隐患;。
1.3 check the appearance of the box box door and the box inside the floor well, check whether there is any defect or hidden trouble inside and outside the box.
1.4 检查楼层显示是否正常。 
1.4 check the floor to show whether it is normal. It
1.5 对消防中心控制柜进行清扫除尘,检查接线端子电线是否松脱,导线编号是否完整清晰。 
1.5 cleaning and dusting the control cabinet of the fire control center, check whether the wiring of the wiring terminal is loose or not, and whether the conductor number is complete and clear. It
1.6 每次按5%抽检,对抽检发现的受环境影响而脏污的烟感器、温感器及时清洁。 
1.6 every time 5% samples are collected, the smoke detectors and temperature sensors which are found to be contaminated by the environment are cleaned in time. It
1.7 紧固导向线路接头。 
1.7 fastening guide line joint. It
1.8 对每个楼层弱电间的分线箱元器件进行除尘、紧固。 
1.8 dedusting and fastening the components of the junction boxes of each floor. It
1.9 按政府消防要求,定期请检测机构对消防设施设备进行全面检测。
1.9 according to the government's fire protection requirements, the inspection agencies should be regularly requested to conduct a comprehensive inspection of fire facilities and equipment.
2.0 自动喷水灭火系统的预防性检查维护 
2 preventive inspection and maintenance of sprinkler system
2.1 检查一次警铃是否正常,报警启动是否灵活。打开试警铃阀,报警阀阀瓣应自动开启;延迟器延迟5-90s后,水力警铃应发出报警信号;如果警铃不动作,应检查整个警铃管道,清除水垢、泥沙等污物,使水流畅通,防止报警失灵。 
2.1 check whether the alarm is normal and whether the alarm is flexible. Open the test alarm valve, the alarm valve valve should be opened automatically; after delayed 5-90s, the hydraulic alarm bell should send out the alarm signal; if the alarm bell does not move, the whole alarm pipe should be checked to remove dirt and dirt, so that the flow of water is smooth and the alarm can be prevented. It
2.2 对喷头进行外观检查,发现安装不正常的喷头应及时更换。


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版权 © 上海通风管道匠心加工厂 网址:xiaofang.71ix.com  推荐:上海通风管道,上海螺旋风管,上海不锈钢风管
