





1、部分关键的消防设备,其配电柜启动开关应始终处于自动状态。这些关键设备包括消防水泵、防排烟风机、防火卷帘等,配电柜设在自动状态,在接收到启动信号时(联锁启动,或远程手动、远程联动启动),能够直接启动上述设备。扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训
1. For some key fire-fighting equipment, the starting switch of the power distribution cabinet should always be in the automatic state. These key equipment include fire pump, smoke exhaust fan, fire shutter, etc. the power distribution cabinet is set in automatic state, and can directly start the above equipment when receiving the start signal (interlock start, or remote manual, remote linkage start).
2. Some key fire-fighting equipment is equipped with automatic switching device at the last level distribution box. For example, in the fire control room, fire pump room, smoke exhaust fan room, fire elevator room, the distribution box is equipped with automatic switching device, and its switch is in the automatic state. When one power supply fails, it will automatically switch to another power supply.
3. The state of fire alarm controller (linkage type) and fire linkage controller is not clear. This is because the fire alarm controller (linkage type) or fire linkage controller is in the manual state. Because someone is on duty, the manual control can be quickly converted to automatic control after the fire is confirmed. At present, most units do the same thing, mainly because they are worried about the misoperation of fire-fighting equipment.
4. Other circumstances. Many units of gas fire extinguishing controller are also set in the manual state to prevent gas fire extinguishing agent from mistaking, but the specification requires that it can only be set in the manual state when there are people; The water pump power control cabinet of the open sprinkler system is manually operated to prevent direct water spraying after misoperation. In this case, someone must be on duty in the fire pump room; In addition, during the performance, the water curtain system can be set in the manual mode. In the case of detection, repair, maintenance and testing, the switch that was originally in the automatic mode can be set in the manual mode, and the original state can be restored immediately after the operation.


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