





It mainly includes personnel rescue at the fire site, rescue of important facilities, equipment and cultural relics, security and rescue of important property, fire extinguishing, etc. The purpose is to reduce the damage caused by fire and reduce casualties and property losses.扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训
Fire fighting actions mainly include: ① find out the fire and damage, understand the terrain and wind direction of the fire site, the structure, entrance and exit of the fire building, the situation of the trapped people, etc. ② Implement local command, organize forces to rush to the fire site quickly, select fire extinguishing agents and fire-fighting equipment according to the nature of the fire, and correctly use fire-fighting tactics according to the situation of the fire site. The main methods include fire resistance, setting up fire separation belt, blocking fire path, extinguishing residual fire and guarding the fire site. ③ Rescue the trapped personnel quickly, transfer the injured and send them away. ④ Evacuate or isolate dangerous goods near the fire site in time to prevent secondary disasters. Water and chemical fire extinguishing agent shall be used for fire fighting, and fire trucks, fire extinguishers, motor pumps and other equipment shall be used for fire fighting. Adhere to the action principles of people before things, control before destruction and ensuring key points.


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