建筑消防设备设施检测 |
添加时间:2017/9/13 16:24:57 浏览次数: |
水系统 Water system 试验: Test: 水压强度试验 Hydraulic strength test 消火栓 Hydrant 自喷 erupt automatically 水喷雾 water spray 当系统设计工作压力等于或小于1.0MPa时 When the system design pressure is equal to or less than 1.0MPa 强度试验压力应为设计工作压力的1.5倍,并不应低于1.4MPa The strength test shall be 1.5 times the design pressure and shall not be less than 1.4MPa 达到试压压力稳压30min,压力降不大于0.05MPa To achieve pressure test, pressure regulator 30min, pressure drop is not greater than 0.05MPa 当系统设计工作压力大于1.0MPa时 When the system design pressure is greater than 1.0MPa 水压强度试验压力为该工作压力加0.4MPa(钢管) Hydraulic pressure test pressure for the work pressure plus 0.4MPa (steel pipe) 细水雾 Water Mist 设计工作压力的1.5倍水中氯离子含量不超过25mg/kg Design pressure of 1.5 times, water chloride content of not more than 25mg/kg 压力升至试验压力后,稳压5min,管道无损坏、变形,再将试验压力降至设计压力,稳压120min After the pressure rises to the test pressure, the pressure regulator 5min is fixed, the pipe is free from damage and deformation, and the test pressure is lowered to the design pressure. The voltage regulator 120min 水压严密性试验 Water pressure tightness test 消火栓 Hydrant 自喷 erupt automatically 水喷雾 water spray 试验压力为设计工作压力 The test pressure is the design work pressure 稳压24h,应无泄露 Steady voltage 24h should be without leakage 水冲洗 Water washing 选择截面积不小于被冲洗管道界面面积的60%的管道作为排水管道 A pipe with a cross-sectional area of not less than 60% of the surface area of the flushing pipe is selected as the drain pipe 吹扫 Purge 采用压缩空气或氮气吹扫 Compressed air or nitrogen purging 5min内靶板上无锈渣、灰尘、水渍及其他杂物为合格 5min target plates are free of rust, slag, dust, water stains and other debris 消防水带压力试验 Fire hose pressure test 截取1.2长的水带,加压至试验压力,保压5min。 Intercept 1.2 long hose, press to test pressure, keep pressure 5min. 升压至试样爆破,其爆破是压力应不小于水带工作压力的3倍。 Step up to the specimen blasting, and the blasting pressure shall be no less than 3 times of the working pressure of the water band. 消防水枪密封性能 Seal performance of fire water gun 加压至最大工作压力的1.5倍 Press 1.5 times the maximum working pressure 保压2min Pressure maintaining 2min 消防水枪抗跌落性能 Anti drop performance of fire hose 喷嘴垂直朝上、喷嘴垂直朝下以及水枪轴线处于水平三个位置,每个位置各跌落两次 The nozzle is vertical upward, the nozzle is vertical downward, and the axis of the water gun is at three horizontal positions, each dropping two times 高度:(2.0±0.02)m Height: (2 + 0.02) M 消防接口抗跌落性能 Anti drop performance of fire fighting interface 反复进行五次 Repeat five times 高度:(1.5±0.05)m Height: (1.5 + 0.05) M 闭式喷头密封性能试验 Sealing performance test of closed sprinkler 试验压力3.MPa Test pressure 3.MPa 抽取1%,且不小于5只作为试验喷头。当1只喷头试验不合格是,在抽取2%,且不小于10只的到场喷头进行重复试验。 Take 1% and not less than 5 as test nozzles. When 1 nozzles failed to test, repeated tests were carried out at the field sprinkler taking 2% and no less than 10. 保压时间不少于3min。累计两只以及两只以上喷头试验不合格的,不得使用该批喷头。 Holding time shall be no less than 3min. If the two or more nozzles are not qualified, the sprinkler shall not be used. 敞口水箱 Open water tank 满水静置24h Full set 24h Shuijing 封闭水箱 Closed water tank 试验压力下保持10min Keep 10min under test pressure 检测: Testing: 细水雾喷头 Water Mist Nozzle 抽取1%,且不少于5只,少于5只全数检查 Take 1%, and not less than 5, less than 5, all examined 喷头质量偏差检查 Sprinkler quality deviation check (自喷) (flowing) 随机抽取3个喷头 3 nozzles were selected at random 用精度不低于0.1g的天平秤质量,偏差不得超过5% The quality shall not exceed 5% with the quality of weighing scales no less than 0.1g 报警阀渗漏试验 Alarm valve leakage test (自喷、水喷雾) (flowing water spray) 试验压力为额定工作压力2倍的静水压力 The test pressure is hydrostatic pressure of 2 times the rated working pressure 保压时间不少于5min Holding time shall be no less than 5min 水流指示器灵敏度 Sensitivity of flow indicator 试验压力为0.14~1.2MPa The test pressure is 0.14~1.2MPa 流量不大于15.0L/min时,水流指示器不报警;流量在15.0~37.5L/min任一数值上报警,且达到37.5L/min一定报警 When the flow rate is not more than 15.0L/min, the water flow indicator does not alarm; the flow rate is on the alarm value of 15.0~37.5L/min, and the alarm number reaches 37.5L/min 试水端试水装置密封性能 Sealing performance of water test device at water test end 试验压力为额定工作压力的1.1倍 The test pressure is 1.1 times of the rated working pressure 保压时间为5min The holding time is 5min (气体)阀驱动装置 (gas) valve actuator 试验压力即为驱动气体储存压力 Test pressure is the driving gas storage pressure 以0.5MPa/s的升压速度缓慢升压至试验压力,关断试验气源3min内压力降不超过试验压力的10%为合格 The 0.5MPa/s boost rate is gradually raised to the test pressure, and the pressure drop in the test gas 3min is not over 10% of the test pressure 常压钢制泡沫液储罐严密性试验 Tightness test of atmospheric pressure molten steel tank 满水后的静压力 Static pressure after full water 试验时间不能小于30min Test time must not be less than 30min 非水、电系统 Non water and electricity system 水压强度试验 Hydraulic strength test 泡沫 foam 设计压力的1.5倍 1.5 times the design pressure 压力升至试验压力后,稳压10min,管道无损坏、变形,再将试验压力降至设计压力,稳压30min,以压力不降、无渗漏为合格 When the pressure rises to the test pressure, the pressure regulator 10min is fixed, the pipe is free from damage and deformation, and the test pressure is reduced to the design pressure. The pressure regulator 30min is qualified for the pressure drop and leakage 干粉 dry powder 1.5倍系统最大工作压力 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure of the system 以不大于0.5MPa/s的速率缓慢升压至试验压力,达到试验压力后稳压5min,管网无渗漏、无变形 Increase the pressure to the test pressure at a rate of no more than 0.5MPa/s. After the test pressure, the 5min is stabilized. The pipe network is free of leakage and deformation 气压强度试验 Air pressure test 气体灭火系统灭火剂输送管道 Gas extinguishing system; extinguishing agent; delivery pipeline 逐步缓慢增加压力,当压力升至试验压力的50%时,若未发现异状或泄露,则继续按试验压力的10%逐级升压,每级稳压3min,直至试验压力值 Slowly and gradually increase the pressure, when the pressure rose to 50% when the test pressure, if not found abnormal or leaked, continue to step 10% according to the test pressure, each level regulator 3min, until the value of the test pressure 干粉 dry powder 1.15倍系统最大工作压力预试验压力为0.2MPa 1.15 times the maximum working pressure of the system, the pre test pressure is 0.2MPa 当压力升至试验压力的50%时,如未发现异状或泄露,继续按试验压力的10%逐级升压,每级稳压3min,直至达到试验压力;保压检查管道各处无变形、无泄露为合格 When the pressure rose to 50% when the test pressure, such as not found abnormal or leaked, continue to step 10% according to the test pressure, each level regulator 3min, until it reaches the test pressure; pressure pipeline inspection everywhere without deformation, no leakage is qualified (泡沫)阀门强度试验 Strength test of (foam) valves 试验压力为公称压力的1.5倍 The test pressure is 1.5 times of the nominal pressure P198 P198 (泡沫)阀门严密性试验 Tightness test of (foam) valve 试验压力为公称压力的1.1倍 The test pressure is 1.1 times of the nominal pressure 消防应急标志灯具检测 Fire emergency sign lamp inspection 连续3次操作试验机构 Continuous 3 operation test mechanism 消防应急照明灯具检测项目 Fire emergency lighting test items 应急照明控制器检测 Emergency lighting controller test 备用电源应能保证应急照明控制器正常工作3h Backup power shall ensure that the emergency lighting controller works properly, 3H 火灾自动报警系统 Automatic fire alarm system 每个回路导线对地的绝缘电阻 Insulation resistance of wire to ground in each circuit 绝缘电阻值不应小于20MΩ The insulation resistance shall not be less than 20M ohms 城市消防远程监控系统 City Fire Remote Monitoring System 试运行时间不少于1个月 The test run time is not less than 1 months 气压严密性试验: Pressure tightness test: 干式预作用 Dry pre acting 介质宜采用空气或氮气试验压力应为0.28MPa Medium should use air or nitrogen test, the pressure should be 0.28MPa 稳压24h,压力降不大于0.01MPa Regulated 24h, pressure drop is not greater than 0.01MPa 细水双流体气体管道 Fine water two fluid gas pipeline 试验压力为水压试验强度的80% The test pressure is 80% of the strength of the hydraulic test 气体驱动装置管道 Gas driven pipe 当压力升至实验压力的50%时,如未发现异状或泄漏,继续按试验压力的10%逐级升压,每级稳压3min,直至达到试验压力;保压检查管道各处无变形,无泄漏为合格 When the pressure rose to 50% when the experimental pressure, such as not found abnormal or leakage, continue to step 10% according to the test pressure, each level regulator 3min, until it reaches the test pressure; pressure pipeline inspection everywhere without deformation, no leakage is qualified 干粉 dry powder 干粉输送管道:水压强度试验压力的2/3; Dry powder conveying pipe: hydraulic pressure test 2/3; 气体输送管道:气体最高工工作储存压力 Gas transmission pipeline: maximum working storage pressure of gas 宜不大于0.5MPa/s的升压速率缓慢升压至试验压力。管段试验气源3min内压力降不超过试验压力的10%为合格 Should not be greater than 0.5MPa/s of the step-up rate, slowly step up to test pressure. The pressure drop in the test pipe gas source 3min shall not exceed 10% of the test pressure to be qualified |
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