消防器材的使用 |
添加时间:2018/12/5 15:45:54 浏览次数: |
消防器材是指用于灭火、防火以及火灾事故的器材。用于专业灭火的器材。最常见的消防器材:灭火器,它按驱动灭火器的压力型式可分为三类 :1.贮气式灭火器。灭火剂由灭火器上的贮气瓶释放的压缩气体的或液化气体的压力驱动的灭火器。 2.贮压式灭火器。灭火剂由灭火器同一容器内的压缩气体或灭火蒸气的压力驱动的灭火器。3.化学反应式灭火器。灭火剂由灭火器内化学反应产生的气体压力驱动的灭火器。
Fire equipment refers to equipment used for fire extinguishing, fire prevention and fire accidents. Equipment for professional fire extinguishing. The most common fire extinguisher: fire extinguisher, it can be divided into three types according to the pressure type of the driving extinguisher: 1. gas storage type fire extinguisher. Fire extinguisher is a fire extinguisher driven by pressure of compressed gas or liquefied gas released from a storage cylinder on a fire extinguisher. 2. pressure fire extinguisher. A fire extinguisher is a fire extinguisher driven by the pressure of a compressed gas or a fire extinguishing steam in a fire extinguisher. 3. chemical fire extinguisher. Fire extinguisher is a fire extinguisher driven by a gas pressure produced by a chemical reaction in a fire extinguisher.
According to the combustion principle, the principle of all fire extinguishing methods is to directly spray the extinguishing agent onto the burning object or spray the fire extinguishing agent near the source of the fire so as not to form a new fire point due to the thermal radiation of the flame.
消防器材冷却灭火法:这种灭火法的原理是将灭火剂直接喷射到燃烧的物体上,以降低燃烧的温度于燃点之下。 冷却灭火法是灭火的一种主要方法,常用水和二氧化碳作灭火剂冷却降温灭火。灭火剂在灭火过程中不参与燃烧过程中的化学反应。这种方法属于物理灭火方法。
Fire extinguishing equipment cooling fire extinguishing method: the principle of this fire extinguishing method is to spray fire extinguishing agent directly to the burning object to reduce the burning temperature under the burning point. The cooling and extinguishing method is one of the main methods of fire extinguishing. Water and carbon dioxide are used as fire extinguishing agents to cool and extinguish the fire. Fire extinguishing agent does not participate in the chemical reaction during the fire process. This method belongs to the physical fire extinguishing method.
Fire extinguishing equipment isolation fire extinguishing method: the isolation fire extinguishing method is to isolate or remove the burning substances and the unburned combustible substances around, disrupt the supply of combustible materials, and cause the combustion to stop due to the lack of combustible materials. The specific methods are:
1. Remove combustible, flammable, explosive and combustion supporting materials near the fire source;
2. The valve of the flammable gas and liquid pipe is closed to reduce and prevent the combustible material from entering the combustion zone.
3. To try to block flammable and flammable liquids.
4, dismantling flammable buildings contiguous with the fire source, forming a space zone to prevent the spread of the fire.
Fire-fighting equipment asphyxia extinguishing method: asphyxiation fire extinguishing method is a way of preventing air from flowing into the combustion area, or using non combustion zone or incombustible material to dilute the air, so that the combustion can not get enough oxygen to extinguish the fire. The specific methods are:
1, use sand, cement, wet sack, wet cotton quilt and other nonflammable or refractory material to cover the burning material.
2, spray spray water, dry powder, foam and other fire extinguishing agent to cover the burning material.
3, instillation of water vapor or nitrogen, carbon dioxide and other inert gases in the fire vessel and equipment;
4. Closed fire building, equipment and hole;
5, the non flammable gas or non flammable liquid (such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, carbon tetrachloride, etc.) is sprayed into the combustion area or on the burning substance.
The following is the use of fire equipment used in our company and matters of attention
1. Use of dry powder fire extinguisher and precautions
1.1 干粉灭火器:适用于扑救各种易燃、可燃液体和易燃、可燃气体火灾,以及电器设备火灾(结合本公司现状:催化剂A、甲基叔丁基醚、甲苯、正庚烷、醋酸异丙酯、甲醇、乙醇、三氟乙醇、四氢呋喃等)。
1.1: fire extinguisher for fighting all flammable and combustible liquid and flammable, combustible gas fire, fire and electrical equipment (combined with the status of the company: A catalyst, methyl tert butyl ether, toluene, n-heptane, isopropyl acetate, methanol, ethanol, three ethanol, tetrahydrofuran fluoride etc.).
1.2 手提式干粉灭火器使用方法:1、右手拖着压把,左手拖着灭火器底部,轻轻取下灭火器;2、右手提着灭火器到现场;3、除掉铅封;4、拔掉保险销;5、左手握着喷管,右手提着压把;6、在距离火焰约两米的地方,右手用力压下压把,左手拿着喷管左右摆动,喷射干粉覆盖整个燃烧区。
Use 1.2 portable dry powder fire: 1, right to left with pressure, with a fire extinguisher at the bottom, gently remove the fire extinguisher; 2, the right hand is carrying a fire extinguisher to the site; 3, remove the seal and pull out the pin; 4; 5, left hand holding the right hand with the nozzle, the pressure; 6. The flame at a distance of about two meters, press the handle with the right hand, left hand swing nozzle, spray powder covering the entire combustion zone.
1.3 推车式干粉灭火器使用方法(宜两人配合):1、把干粉车拉或推到现场;2、右手抓着喷粉枪,左手顺势展开喷粉胶管,直至平直,不能弯折或打圈;3、除掉铅封,拔出保险销;4、用手掌使劲按下供气阀门;5、左手持喷粉枪管托,右手把持枪把,用手指扣动喷粉开关,对准火焰喷射,不断靠前左右摆动喷粉枪,把干粉笼罩燃烧区,直至把火扑灭为止。
Use the 1.3 cart type dry powder fire (Yi two with): 1, pull or push the dry powder cart to the site; 2, right hand holding the spray gun, with the left hand start dusting hose, until the straight, not bent or ring; 3, get rid of the seal, the pin is pulled out; 4, with the palm of your hand the fresh air supply valve and press; 5 the left hand holding his right hand gun powder barrel holder, the trigger switch, dusting with fingers and spray on the flames, constantly in front swing spray gun, put the powder over the combustion zone, put out the fire until now.
2 、泡沫灭火器使用及注意事项
2. Use of foam extinguisher and precautions
2.1 泡沫灭火器:主要适用于扑救各种油类火灾、木材、纤维、橡胶等固体可燃物火。(结合本公司现状:机器润滑油、办公桌、布纸品等)
2.1 foam extinguisher: it is mainly used to save all kinds of fuel fire, wood, fiber, rubber and other solid combustible fire. (combined with the status of the company: machine lubricating oil, desk, cloth paper, etc.)
2.2 使用方法:1、手握着压把,左手托着灭火器底部, 轻轻地取下灭火器。2、②右手提着灭火器到现场 。 3、右手捂住喷嘴,左手执筒底边缘。4、把灭火器颠倒过来呈垂直状态,用劲上下晃动几下,然后放开喷嘴。5、右手抓筒耳,左手抓筒底边缘,把喷嘴朝向燃烧区,站在离火源八米的地方喷射,并不断前进,兜围着火焰喷射,直至把火扑灭。6、灭火后,把灭火器卧入在地上,喷嘴朝下。
2.2 use method: 1, hold the press handle, left hand to the bottom of the fire extinguisher, gently take off the fire extinguisher. 2, the right hand to carry a fire extinguisher to the scene. 3. Cover the nozzle with the right hand and the bottom edge of the left hand. 4, put the fire extinguisher upside down in a vertical state, push down and shake, then release the nozzle. 5, grasp the ear of the right hand, grasp the edge of the bottom of the hand with the left hand, put the nozzles towards the combustion area, stand at the place where the fire source is eight meters, and continue to move forward, and gather around the flame to extinguish the fire. 6. After the fire extinguishing, the fire extinguisher is lying on the ground and the nozzle is down.
3 、 二氧化碳灭火器使用及注意事项
3, the use of carbon dioxide extinguisher and matters of attention
3.1 二氧化碳灭火器:主要适用于各种易燃、可燃液体、可燃气体火灾,还可扑救仪器仪表、图书档案、工艺器和低压电器设备等的初起火灾。(结合本公司现状:配电房、化验室精密仪器等)
3.1, carbon dioxide fire extinguisher: mainly applies to all kinds of flammable, flammable, flammable gas fires, but also to extinguish fire, such as instruments, books, archives, craft and low voltage electrical equipment. (combined with the current situation of the company: distribution rooms, laboratory precision instruments, etc.)
3.2 使用方法:1、右手握着压把;2、用右手提着灭火器到现场;③除掉铅封;④拔掉保险销;5、站在距火源二米的地方,左手拿着喇叭筒,右手用力压下压把。6、对着火焰根部喷射,并不断推前,直至把火焰扑灭。
3.2 usage: 1, the right hand holding the pressure; 2, using the right hand to put the fire extinguisher to get rid of the scene; the seals; safety pins pulled out; 5, standing two meters away from the fire place, left hand holding a megaphone, press the handle with the right hand. 6, jet to the root of the flame, and push forward until the flame is put out.
4 、消防毯使用及注意事项
4. Use of fire blanket and precautions
4.1 消防毯:消防毯又称灭火毯,是由玻璃纤维等材料经
4.1 fire blanket: the fire blanket, also called the fire blanket, is made of glass fiber and other materials. |
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